janet, mariah, beyonce, ashanti, britney.
what do they have in common? their weight fluctuates, as it should. but for some reason when we see it on them we think that that's it for them. like when bey put back on the weight she lost for her role in dream girls everyone was commenting on it as if a) she didn't look good and b) she would never be able to lose it.
these are stars. it's their job to look good when they are working (promoting an album, in concert etc.) does it matter if they put on some weight when they are on their off-season? no, it doesn't and it damn well shouldn't. these people have access to professionals (trainers and cooks) that can have them down to a size 4 before me or you could even lose 5lbs.
i'm for celebrating our non-stick-thin celebs so i give props to all those who are showing their curves!!!
ps. look out for my essay on the "downfall" of britney...