I Love B.Scott
I discovered this person around last summer. He was funny but I was too busy to take note of his other videos. Today though I had a chance to go up and down on his youtube page and HE WAS HILARIOUS!!!
So I'm hooking up my love muffins with a part of one of my favourite Love B.Scott episodes and here is the link to his website http://lovebscott.sharenow.com/.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Stuff Fat People Like---random
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
what the?!?! is J-hud thinking

She used to be a good rep for us but now she is getting a bit too [put not so nice adjective here].
Last year because she was new to the celeb game, I forgave her. For not wearing a body shaper to the BET Awards. For lying saying she weighed 140lbs (she's 5'7, she would have looked a lot slimmer if she did). And for a plethora of other big girl offences.
But now it's too much. She is constantly looking like a stuffed sausage, wearing things that don't fit her. Look at her at the Sex and the City premiere? What would Jesus do if He saw her in that outfit or in the white dress with the peek-a-boo pink bra at the MTV Movies award?
Last night's (at the BET 2008 Awards) atrocity of an outfit (and hair do) have me wondering if J-Hud has lost her mind? Never mind the uncomfortable as hell scripted banter between her and Terrence Howard, what was she wearing? *Shaking my head*.
Besides not embracing an embracing girdle, J-hud's style in 2007 was good. Her hair was on point. Now she is experimenting too much.
My question is basically, now that you (J-hud) have a little cheddar, why not get yourself a trainer and lose some of that belly flab? I like you a lot. You are talented and can sang but I can't bring myself to look at you looking like you're about to burst.
P.S. Maybe you can get some tips from Toccara on how to keep it nice and fly if you're over 145.
.::New Goal::.

So when I first hit the 160's I got cocky over confident. I decided to bring up/down my goal to 140! Even wrote a long letter about my journey thus far, a bunch of corny stuff.
After struggling to make smart diet choices for the past 3 weeks though, I have decided to re-evaluate everything.
I thank God though because the scale, which was at 172ish last week, is back to saying 160 something (this morning-167.1). Also, despite eating out, being glutenous and late eating, I have been on point with my new workout regiment which has me running everyday - 2km 3x/week and 5km 2x/week. I boo booed and didn't work out this weekend though and even took a day off in the week but I think the intensity of running daily has boosted my metabolism.
So my conclusion is to bring my goal to 144, making my total desired loss 50lbs. It's a weird number I know. A bonus goal is for me to weigh that much in shoes (cus i was 194 in shoes). That would still make my goal just above 140 though.
I refuse to get suckered into wanting to weigh far less than 145. Even if 145 looks like crap on other people, I have confidence that my 145 will have me in a size 8US, 7/8CAN, 10UK. It will have me looking better than I've ever looked in my life.
Other than that I will be trying to maintain everything now that my schedule is changing.
in the picture: Taniesha Hayes- from www.THayesFitness.com
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
what the?!?!

it's been 2 weeks since I weighed in and despite a kick butt workout regime, I haven't lost a damn thing (with the exception of my mind). I've been here before though, at a 'plateau' but I have been changing things up so what is going on?
Either way, I have just gotten the Eat Clean Diet book (and met the lovely author Tosca Reno) and will commit myself to 'eating clean' for the next couple of week until my next weight in. I have to see 160! or even less.
Monday, June 2, 2008
First of the Month Weigh In

Because I do not conduct business on Sundays my weigh-in was deferred to to this morning.
Confession: In the three weeks that I didn't weigh myself I had/did the following
- Ate the equivalent of one whole 7" diameter cake (oreo cake from A&P-amazing)
- ate at a restaurant twice (3 courses--yes, dessert)
- drank about a bottle of wine
- only worked out 3 times in the second week
- had a snickers bar....
I'm sure i messed up more than that but those are some big ones....
so with all of that I'm am DARN proud to say that as of 8.40am this morning i weigh 166.5lbs
Only 1.5lbs off from what I wanted but 1.5lbs below what i was supposed to be at....it's a good day! It must have been all the running I've been doing! I ran 5km the other morning (sat. May 24th) after a hard and intense step class...and let me not forget the walking it out...every time I over ate, my feet hit the pavement.
Week # = 9 (from 186lbs)
Beginning Weight = 194
Beginning Size = a Jacob 13/14
Goal #1 = 160 (so darn close...if I'm really good for two weeks I can WILL get there
Goal #2 = 145
Goal Size = 7/8
Current Weight = 166.5 lbs
Current Weight = 166.5 lbs
Current Size = 11/12 37-30.5-42.5
Weight Loss = 27.5 pounds
Pounds to Go = 6.5 to first goal (160)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
wouldn't it suck if...
After all my hard work for the past three weeks (while not weighing myself) i didn't lose a dime?
That is the problem with not weighing in often. I think I'm working hard but I have no scale to tell me if I am indeed working hard.
I have 5 workouts until my schedule weigh in on Monday morning. I betta see less than 170, I'm just saying. A sweet 165 would be even better. The thing is I haven't lost that many inches since the first of this month (I actually gained half an inch around my gut).
The Green and Lean failed, not miserably though. While I have still been having rye bread and whole grains, I have increased my green intake. So all in all it's not bad. Now will it bring me to 165 by Monday. I hope so.
That is the problem with not weighing in often. I think I'm working hard but I have no scale to tell me if I am indeed working hard.
I have 5 workouts until my schedule weigh in on Monday morning. I betta see less than 170, I'm just saying. A sweet 165 would be even better. The thing is I haven't lost that many inches since the first of this month (I actually gained half an inch around my gut).
The Green and Lean failed, not miserably though. While I have still been having rye bread and whole grains, I have increased my green intake. So all in all it's not bad. Now will it bring me to 165 by Monday. I hope so.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Raven is Representing Us For Real!

I straight jacked this from concreteloop.com and I'm about a month late with it. Basically Raven talks about everything in her interview with Jet Magazine and her size comes up...Here is what she says;
"I have to stay true to who I am’, says Disney star Raven-SymonĂ©, 22, regarding her new self-titled CD, which is slated for release April 29. ‘I am not going to sing about sex, drugs and violence, that’s just not who I am’, she continues. As she prepares for the CD’s release and a 55-city Pajama Party concert tour, the confident and talented entertainer hopes this project will fill a void in today’s music. We need some music that will open people’s minds up and give them other things to think about other than the same things we have been giving them for a while. Maybe my album can do that.’
While the 5-foot-2-inch singer-actress stays true to her music, she’s also staying true to her image by being comfortable with her size. ‘When I look in the mirror and see how voluptuously fabulous I am, I can’t even worry about it. I am just fabulous."
not weighing is the best...I think

As I type I could be sitting at a slim 165 but on the other end I could be a strong 170 or even worse, back to 175. There is so much unknown with not weighing but there is also peace of mind.
The good thing though is my next weigh is a week away so that give me time to do something so I don't see 1-7-anything on the scale.
The plan: The Lean and Green Diet!
Yes, I'm a genius. I found it impossible to get my necessary caloric intake on just green foods so I will include LEAN meats like beef and chicken and I also might have to throw in a Slim Fast shake every now and then.
Right now my waist is a 32 (I just ate) but If this goes well by next weekend I should be a 30, even after eating.
I will keep a journal 'cause this may become my staple 'I need to lose weight QUICK' diet.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Motivation Pile is down to 1

They are a UK size 10 and say US size 6 on 'em (i know right!). Anyhoo, i fit into them! these, a dress that I wore for mother's day and a black ?Guess pants size 31 were the pinnacle of my motivation pile. Now I can fit into 99% of everything I own, I have to start buying smaller sizes.
Now I have cheated something horrible this week but I will be back on track so for my June 1st weigh in I should be under 170 (hopefully 163-167).
I'm still amazed that they can fit. They didn't even fit when I bought 'em in Easter 2006 from TK Maxx (shout outs to my London, UK ppl!).
Well, 145 here I come man!
I'm looking good and feeling better and once this journey is done I will post my before and my after to motivate others!
update: upon further investigation i realized that the jeans were mis-labeled and are in fact a size 14 UK. Making them a size 10 US not 6. Dang.
Also May 23rd 2006 was the last time I wore these jeans. Exactly 2 years ago!
Note: my goal size would be a size 8 US
update: upon further investigation i realized that the jeans were mis-labeled and are in fact a size 14 UK. Making them a size 10 US not 6. Dang.
Also May 23rd 2006 was the last time I wore these jeans. Exactly 2 years ago!
Note: my goal size would be a size 8 US
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mini Update

Beginning Weight = 194
Beginning Size = a Jacob 13/14
Goal Lbs. = 160Goal #2 = 145Goal Size = 7/8
Beginning Size = a Jacob 13/14
Goal Lbs. = 160Goal #2 = 145Goal Size = 7/8
Current Weight = less than 170 Pounds
Current Size = 11/12 37-31-43
Weight Loss = 24 plus pounds
Pounds to Go = less than 10 to first goal (160)
Current Size = 11/12 37-31-43
Weight Loss = 24 plus pounds
Pounds to Go = less than 10 to first goal (160)
Week # = 6 (from 186lbs)
My belly is still big as heck...even considering I've shrank from a 37 inch waist to 31. So because of that I will be embarking on Green Diet, a diet that is 99.9% green coloured foods.
For example:
(this list includes things that just have green skin too!)
green peas
green banana (my j'cans know this)
those green smoothies...
This diet should effectively reduce my fat percentage thus allowing my pot belly to shrink. I will only be conducting it for one week at a time for maybe 3 weeks or so.
By June I will be playing in a soccer league so I probably won't be able to keep the carbs down...i will need the energy...so then my green diet will end.
Currently I am starting to only weigh myself monthly! On the first of the month. I can measure myself if I have the time though. I'm doing this to reduce the psycho rages I get when I flutter in weight from day to day. Overall, every month I should be at least 5lbs down. If I continue to eat properly and workout hard (like running up and down ski hills) there is no reason I won't keep shedding weight.
Friday, May 9, 2008
hm...I won't sweat it

The past two weeks were weird. I continued workout and eating right, confident that I would see 170 but instead i saw 174 then 175. Upset with the increasing pattern, I began to indulge. Had some pizza and food after 6 and just like I thought, I didn't gain a damn thing.
the reason I went up is still unknown (i wasn't bloated, constipated or menstruating) but two weeks later I'm happy to say that I'm at 171.6.
It's not the 168lb I swore I would be at by Mother's Day, but it's damn sure better than the 180 plus I was at in the beginning of April.
Needless to say, my splurges are stopping ASAP (well kind of).
Note: I will now concentrate on losing 1.25-1.5lbs per week. I'm trying to reduce the feeling of defeat when I don't reach my goals.
In relation to that the weigh-ins are now officially down to twice a month, most likely on Fridays.
And treating myself is now a necessity. Seeing as the scale is sometimes not my friend even when I'm faithful, I know will try the cheat meal (not day) thing. Today it's all about Wendy's!
Monday, April 28, 2008
How the heck did I let it get THIS FAR?

Sometimes I think “If I had just lost this 20lbs when I came back from England I would be fine…at a svelte 150. Instead I’m at 172.7lbs.”
I came back from 2 years abroad in May 2007 at 170lbs. By August I was 190lbs…for the first time ever. Then I crept slowly to 194lbs. I then got on the right track but there has been a few up and downs to slim down to the 170’s again.
Now my issues are;
1. Why did I gain/eat so much?
2. How can I make sure I don’t go up again?
It’s so serious because the stats say that over 70 percent of people who lose a significant amount of weight put it right back on.
(tears) I don’t wanna be a statistic!!!
So now I look at the errors I have made and ways I can keep myself in check.
Late night eating -I’ll drink herbal tea and go to bed
Over-eating -I need to recognize and respect when I’m full
Eating with my ‘fat’ friends- I love them I really do but I’ll be damn if I let them bring me down…again
Eating refined carbs and process foods –it’s all poison whose calories your body doesn’t use efficiently
Falling off my workout schedule-I shouldn’t go more than 3 days without some exercise
Choosing horrible diet buddies – they quit, I quit and that’s not good
Check tips:
Weigh in weekly once I hit my goal –no more or no less ‘cause it’ll make me go psycho
Have people to keep you in check- work out buddies that are serious
No sitting- I can do crunches and ball stuff when I’m watching TV
I came back from 2 years abroad in May 2007 at 170lbs. By August I was 190lbs…for the first time ever. Then I crept slowly to 194lbs. I then got on the right track but there has been a few up and downs to slim down to the 170’s again.
Now my issues are;
1. Why did I gain/eat so much?
2. How can I make sure I don’t go up again?
It’s so serious because the stats say that over 70 percent of people who lose a significant amount of weight put it right back on.
(tears) I don’t wanna be a statistic!!!
So now I look at the errors I have made and ways I can keep myself in check.
Late night eating -I’ll drink herbal tea and go to bed
Over-eating -I need to recognize and respect when I’m full
Eating with my ‘fat’ friends- I love them I really do but I’ll be damn if I let them bring me down…again
Eating refined carbs and process foods –it’s all poison whose calories your body doesn’t use efficiently
Falling off my workout schedule-I shouldn’t go more than 3 days without some exercise
Choosing horrible diet buddies – they quit, I quit and that’s not good
Check tips:
Weigh in weekly once I hit my goal –no more or no less ‘cause it’ll make me go psycho
Have people to keep you in check- work out buddies that are serious
No sitting- I can do crunches and ball stuff when I’m watching TV
No more than one treat per week- like poutine, street meat etc.
Do extra exercise to compensate for my treat
Walk it out –especially after big meals and excessive carbs
That’s all I got for now…
Walk it out –especially after big meals and excessive carbs
That’s all I got for now…
I put the damn pringles back and I didn't even trip on the golden oreos

They say the best way to avoid junk food is not to have it in your house...so instead of picking up the 2 for $2 pringles at No Frills, I just left it (after carrying it in my cart for 20 minutes).
It was rough...'cause I had worked really hard...even worked out on the weekend which I never do. I was even planning to go for a walk that evening (and I did, even ran up and down a mini ski hill 10 times then climbed the big one plus did some arm exercises).
All I could think when I first put it in my cart was “I friggin’ deserve this.” But then I got to thinking. What is the point of the all the work if I'm just gonna keep sabotaging it. Me not eating reward snacks can be the difference between meeting my goal and me not meeting it. Ya feel me? So for that reason the Pringles had to go. And there was no touching of the Golden Oreos (even if they are as good as vanilla girl guides cookies).
Fat Stats
Beginning Weight = 194
All I could think when I first put it in my cart was “I friggin’ deserve this.” But then I got to thinking. What is the point of the all the work if I'm just gonna keep sabotaging it. Me not eating reward snacks can be the difference between meeting my goal and me not meeting it. Ya feel me? So for that reason the Pringles had to go. And there was no touching of the Golden Oreos (even if they are as good as vanilla girl guides cookies).
Fat Stats
Beginning Weight = 194
Beginning Size = a Jacob 13/14
Goal Lbs. = 160Goal #2 = 145
Goal Size = 7/8
Goal Size = 7/8
Current Weight = 172.7 Pounds
Current Size = 11/12-13/14
Weight Loss = 21.3 pounds
Pounds to Go = 12.7Week # = 3 (from 186lbs)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"This is it. I can feel it, me losing all this weight. This is not to be confused with all the other times I said this is it." MCW
173.5 Man! and still shrinking...got 28.5 to go!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Stuff Fat People Like #1 being told they look like they lost weight
It's funny how in denial some of us can be. We weigh our selves every morning but the second that someone says we are slim we believe them.
Stuff Fat People Like
Starting a new section here on The Fat Stories called Stuff Fat People Like (SFPL). Following the trend started with stuff white people like (created by a fellow Canadian!). I will compile a list of things I know my people (us heavyweights) like.
Let the jokes begin!
Let the jokes begin!
Friday, April 18, 2008
176.5 Homie! ONLY 31.5 TO GO

I can't really remember when I started the journey from 194lbs but here is what I vaguely remember (all weight in gym clothes and shoes unless stated otherwise:
October 29 2007: I was 194 (at the gym in my shoes)
Thanksgiving 2007 (US): 186lbs
January 2008: Still 186-ish
February 4 2008: 185lbs
February 18 2008 (possibly the start date of my last major diet): 187lbs
Easter 2008 (March):182lbs (on that slimfast stuff..still haven't finished one can)
Today (April 18 2008): 176.5lbs (no shoes)
Hot Dog! I think I can taste me getting close to my first goal of 160 (a size 8 US), my second goal is gonna be 145-ish (148 in shoes!).
I guess perseverance is the key.
And a kick ass hip hop dance class...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Phat Girlz Starring Mo'nique

This could quite possible be the worse movie I have ever watched (or at least in the top 100...I've watched a lot of movies).
Since its debut in 2006, I haven't been interested in watching it at all until it came on The Movie Network. I tivoed it and watched it. Ew.
It was oversaturated with fat girl dilemmas from not being able to fit into clothes to being made fun of to having deep insecurities. When I thought the movie was almost done, Mo'nique as Jasmine has a tantrum and becomes over depressed because she is fat, not Phat. This part began with her watching another depressed fat girl on T.V. while she was eating a whole pizza.
Now I'm all for movies about the big girl's plight but this was ridiculous.
I love Mo'nique, and I loved the beginning of this film (not when she's dreaming but when she quickly explains her life story) but overall I cannot recommend this movie to anyone, especially not my my skinny friends. They might think that I'm as depressed as Jasmine.
I also didn't like that fact that most of the movie made it seem like only African men would be interested in big beauties. Like we're supposed to fly to Nigeria to get some action. That was horrible.
Nice try Mo but you need to lay off the "everybody hates big girls" theme. We get love from all over.
Oh and to add insult to injury, look how they airbrushed the hell outta Mo on the DVD cover. That's not even funny!
Since its debut in 2006, I haven't been interested in watching it at all until it came on The Movie Network. I tivoed it and watched it. Ew.
It was oversaturated with fat girl dilemmas from not being able to fit into clothes to being made fun of to having deep insecurities. When I thought the movie was almost done, Mo'nique as Jasmine has a tantrum and becomes over depressed because she is fat, not Phat. This part began with her watching another depressed fat girl on T.V. while she was eating a whole pizza.
Now I'm all for movies about the big girl's plight but this was ridiculous.
I love Mo'nique, and I loved the beginning of this film (not when she's dreaming but when she quickly explains her life story) but overall I cannot recommend this movie to anyone, especially not my my skinny friends. They might think that I'm as depressed as Jasmine.
I also didn't like that fact that most of the movie made it seem like only African men would be interested in big beauties. Like we're supposed to fly to Nigeria to get some action. That was horrible.
Nice try Mo but you need to lay off the "everybody hates big girls" theme. We get love from all over.
Oh and to add insult to injury, look how they airbrushed the hell outta Mo on the DVD cover. That's not even funny!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Say It Loud, I'm fat and I'm proud!

Has Raven Symone ever mentioned her weight? She does carry herself well and knows what to wear for her size but has she ever come out and just said, "I am big and beautiful,baby." It's interesting how many of us live in constant denial about our size. Lemme help you figure out if your big or not.
Here's is a list that I came up with just now! Some are yes/no statements, some are just for you to gain some type of clarification. Here we go:
- being 170, no matter what ethnicity you are, is fat unless you are 5'8 or taller
- do your legs rub together? they don't on skinny ppl
- even if you have an hourglass figure that doesn't make you fit, especially if you waist is a strong 36 plus inches
- when all the jeans you have fit you like skinny jeans, you're fat
- when people describe you as "the big one"...figure it out
- here's a good one---if you buy your clothing in double digits (ie. 12,22 and XL etc.) chances are you're a big chick
Don't get me wrong, I am big, proud and loud so don't think I'm hating on others. But it irks me when I don't see people representing. Isn't it better to think your fat (not like how those with eating disorders do but if you are truly overweight) and have someone say your not then to sit there and think that your average and have someone brutally correct you? I'm just saying, if you had to chose between the two scenarios!
Anyway, if you got extra body, thank God and shake it but don't break it trynna squeeze into clothes you know don't fit you! ha
(above-a pic of chick who knows she's big and fly!)
FYI, mission "I gotta be a slim 160 again" is well underway, dropping 14lbs so far bring me to within 20lbs of my goal. Target date varies but let's say by July I'll be finished phase one!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Welcome to 2008

Congrats to Evan Bidell, winner of Project Runway Canada (above Iman)
Juno comes in at no.2 on it's fifth week out in theatres -seems really funny if your into that Knocked Up/Superbad type of movie
Look out for funny (in a dumb way) movies like First Friday and Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins starring Martin Lawrence
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